SA 8000 Certification in Italy

Essay SA 8000 certification stands for social accountability and the standard is so design taking into consideration all the aspects from the United Nation human rights and International Labour Organisation convention, united Nation convention on the right of the child and Universal Declaration of Human Rights are also the part of this standard and is also designed keeping in mind all the ISO standards because it can be incorporated according to the standards to make sure all the standards gel in well and can be followed in a simple and easy way.

There are some 8 most important points which standard is built those points are follows

  • Child Labor
  • Forced and compulsory labour
  • Health and safety
  • Freedom of association and tried to collective bargaining
  • Discrimination
  • Disciplinary practices
  • Working hours
  • Remuneration
SA 8000 certification stands for social accountability and the standard is so design taking into consideration all the aspects from the United Nation human rights and International Labour Organisation convention, united Nation convention on the right of the child and Universal Declaration of Human Rights are also the part of this standard and is also designed keeping in mind all the ISO standards because it can be incorporated according to the standards to make sure all the standards gel in well and can be followed in a simple and easy way. Child labour make sure that there is no support or no use of child labour and in such situations when there is inevitable cases for the child labour and each and everything like adequate financial and other support is unable to the children to attend school and get their education and Employment of The Young workers is always conditional. Forced and compulsory labour states that there should not be any worker who should be forced to work and there should not be any financial leads or property documents which are being forced and borrowed by the organisation to provide him the employment and also there is personal right to leave the premises after the work day and they are free to leave the employment whenever they feel like and also human trafficking is strictly prohibited. SA 8000 certification in Italy also focuses on the health safety parameters of the employees and it states that there should be a minimal and comfortable premises to work for each and every employee as this should be great care taken to the respond to risk and detect or avoid any kind of risks are accident and also if there is any accident which has occurred previously than the record of such accidents have been maintained clearly and corrective also preventive action are readily available to make sure there is a quick step taken if there is any unusual accident or unseen situation arising. And also basic necessities like clean and hygienic toilet, food storage,Portable water and sanitary facilities and each and every thing which is related to health and safety is taken care and should be must and should followed in the organisation and it is always advisable to appoint a health and safety manager would look into all these things effectively. Freedom of association and right to bargaining as one of the important parameters which speaks about the right of the employees to form their own Association or Union and it is they are free to select or elect the leader of those kind of association and is and there is no interference of the organisation in forming such kind of unions which will make employees feel better about they are coworker according to SA 8000 in Rome. Discrimination: States that there is no discrimination whatsoever based on any kind of criteria like race, social origin, cast, birth, gender, union membership, Pollard or any of the political opinions or age. And also there should not be any discrimination in any of their practices like hiring, remuneration, promotion, access to training or retirement, and also any kind of threatening, abusive, exploitative or cohesive behavior at workplace or company facilities is strictly prohibited under SA 8000 Certification Services in Italy. Working hours are clearly defined and each and every employee have been communicated with work a working hours are and how long they have to work for a week and also what are the benefits which are given for all time workers and forced overtime is also strictly prohibited according to essay 8000 services in Turin. Disciplinary practices make sure that there is a zero tolerance or any kind of corporal punishment or mental or physical abuse of any employee and also each and every personnel is treated with dignity and respect. Remuneration takes care of the minimum required wages which is sufficient to meet the basic needs are provided to each and every employee and all the workers are paid the legal minimum wages according to their country regulations there is no deduction for any disciplinary purpose with some of the exceptions and also veg and benefits are clearly communicated to worker and paid and convenient manner on convenient date which will help the labourers. Is there some of the important parameters and criteria’s of SA 8000 certification service in Italy. Want to get one for your organisation? All you have to do is to contact us immediately and take away your SA 8000 certification in Rome.

How to get SA 8000 Certification in Italy?

one of the leading SA 8000 consultation and certification service providers in Italy is Certvalue and also we promise that SA 8000 certification cost in Rome is always affordable from our end we take all the responsibility of getting a certified for SA 8000 Audit services in Turin. So you can get in touch with us as soon as possible to achieve SA 800 certification in Italy and it can be done why choosing any of the following methods.
  1. Visit our website and fill up the customer intent form which pops up on your screen.
  2. Chat with our representatives online.
  3. Mobile users or smartphone users can use WhatsApp icon to connect with our representatives through WhatsApp.
  4. You can just directly write to us at [email protected]

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Our Services


Conduct Gap Analysis to find any Shortcomings from the standard requirements.


Policies, procedures, Work Instructions, Evidences, Records, Training


Conduct frequent internal audit and management review meeting.


Apply corrective actions on the identified root cause or shortcomings






Bottom-line of any business organization is profit and Customers are the only source of Profit. Certvalue will help balancing both customer and compliance requirement at the same time with the help of ISO certification


Enhancement of Performance

ISO certification is a tool to streamline and enhance the process performed internal to the organization. Certvalue indulges in inculcating best industry practices.


Recognition and Brand Value

It is always about the Brand value of your organization in the market and ISO certification from Certvalue can make your organization to be an excel and stand out in the market globally


Tender Eligibility

ISO certification is a basic requirement to bid or participate in any tenders floated by government or private sector. And ISO certification from Certvalue is an assurance win over the tenders.

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Sobiya Rajesh
Sobiya Rajesh
We are happy on Certvalue services. The team guided through applicable SOPs, forms and policies to implement QMS and manage it effectively so as to comply with ISO requirements. It included training part as well. Hence we are satisfied and recommend anyone who seek professional service.
Dhruv Parekh
Dhruv Parekh
Certvalue team was very professional in their approach from the time we engaged them. Special mention to Ms. Jeevika Uchil who consulted and worked extensively with our team.
Anita Okonigene
Anita Okonigene
CyberDome Nigeria Limited. CertValue made the acquisition of our ISO 27100 certification seamless. The person assigned to us Jeevika Uchil was very helpful.
Neeladri Bose
Neeladri Bose
Amazing organisation to work with! Certvalue is definitely the best of the best. Thank you Certvalue Team!
Shehan Athukorala
Shehan Athukorala
Certvalue is a very professional and responsive consultation firm. It did show us the right direction towards the ISO and GMP certifications for the PPE devices we are manufacturing. Hoping to work with them for ISO 13485 /CE and FDA as well. Well recommended for all.
Aditya vakoda
Aditya vakoda
We got good service from certvalue and its team I was satisfied,thank you Certvalue for making my work easy
Mounika Kona
Mounika Kona
Thank you certvalue, we have built information security management system in our organization with the help of certvalue. They were really help to get certified under iso 27001. Thank you.
somraj daroji
somraj daroji
Very professional in consultation, documentation etc right from the first point of meeting with them. . .thank you certvalue for all the support !
Pushkar Patwardhan
Pushkar Patwardhan
Certvalue team was very responsive right from the time we contacted them for the first time. Consultants who worked with us were very professional and demonstrated a lot of patience to get us through required documentation / requirments for the certification. Thank you Certvalue!
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