SA 8000 is 1 beautiful standard which helps organisations to maintain, develop socially acceptable practices in today or workplace. It was developed way back in 1997 by social accountability International which is the Council of economic priorities. Which is an advisory board consists of NGOs, civil society organisation, trade-unions and some companies. Major agenda of SA 8000 Certification in England is to have a common standard for social welfare compliance. Even this standard is framed on the basis of ISO standard models and it’s a management system standard similar to ISO this is based out on the international human right norms and international Labour Organisation convention like the United Nation convention of the rights of a child and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
SA 8000 stands for social accountability. Great performance criteria which has to be compliant which are as follows
- Child labour: Child labour should never be in package not should be supported and written procedures and policies has to be in place to make sure remediation of the children who are found to be working in the organisation should have adequate financial and other support to make sure that they attend the school, also employment of young workers conditional.
- Forced and compulsory labour: This is one important step which clearly states that there should not be any support for forced labour or compulsory later and also they should not be required for any deposits or financial wealth for the employment and also there should not be any worker who is working without holding any salary or benefits. They should be personal right to leave premises after work day and also personnel free to terminate their employees. And strictly the human trafficking should never be supported not practiced according to SA 8000 certification in Manchester.
- Health and safety: This is one very essential parameter which has to be taken care by the management of each and every organisation to provide safe and healthy work space to each and every employee which contains every single aspect like reduce the risk to new and expectant mothers, hygienic toilets and portable water, sanitary is clean and safe basic needs decent dormitories and work right to remove from imminent danger , avoid occupational accidents and each and every accident which has happened should be neatly documented and preventive measures should be taken to make sure that it doesn’t happen again and if it happens what are the things which has to be followed some medical protection and first aid kids should be present in the environment and premises of organisation and organisational health and safety manager should be appointed to make sure everything is happening as expected according to essay 8000 certification in Birmingham
- Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining: Company shell respect the unions and there is a right to form or organised unions and bargain collectively. A company should not interfere in workers organisations or any collective bargaining and all this shall be neatly informed to all the personals of their buy ambien online cheap rights all the right should be explain to the workers and they should be allowed freely to elect the representatives and I am sure there is no discrimination against the people engaged in worker organisations and unions.
- Discrimination: Should not be any discrimination based on national or social origin, disability, sexual orientation, politics , age, caste, religion, gender, union membership and there should not be any kind of discrimination even in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination and retirement. According to SA8000 in Birmingham. No pregnancy or virginity test under any kind of situations, there should not be any interference of the organisation with the exercise of personal tenants or practices, organisation management should not have any threatening, abusive, exploitative behaviour at the workplace with the workers according to SA 8000 services in London.
- Disciplinary practices: All the personnel should be treated with dignity and respect and also there should be a zero tolerance of any kind of corporal punishment, mental abuse of any worker or any harassment or inhumane treatment.
- Working hours: This Performance criteria in SA 8000 Certification in Manchester states about the compliance with the industry standard and laws. The criteria of working hour should be 1 day of following every 6 consecutive working days with some exceptions, what time should not be mandatory and it should be voluntary but it should never exceed 12 hours per week and also the all time should be required only if it is negotiated in CBA, normal workweek shall not exceed 48 hours.
- Remuneration: Organisations have to respect right of worker to living wages and also all workers had to be paid the least legal minimum wages which is sufficient to meet their basic needs and provide discriminatory income and any directions which are being done should not be for any disciplinary purposes with some exceptions all the wages and benefit should be clearly communicated to workers and should be paid in a convenient manner either by cash or by cheque and even this has to be communicated well ahead of the issue date and what time workers should be paid in a premium rates. Labour only contract should also be prohibited and sum contract such a short term contracts and false apprenticeship scheme should be avoided to avoid legal obligations to the workers.
How to get SA 8000 Certification in England?
So to get your SA 8000 certification in England as soon as possible just contact Certvalue because we are the one of the leading SA 8000 certification in London by visiting our website and generating an enquiry by filling up the popup form or chatting online with our representative, connect directly to the WhatsApp by clicking the WhatsApp icon which is present on our website or you can even directly write to us at [email protected]. Thanks for reading the blog hope it was informative. See you in my next blog have a great day..