HALAL Certification in Iran

Halal certification in Iran is one of the mandatory practices which have to be followed by all of the Muslim religion which is a permissible activity which can be legally conducted or performed with in the Muslim countries. In order to export your product to any of the Middle East countries or any of the Muslim countries and their product is food or cosmetics which uses animal meet as a byproduct in order to manufacture then it is mandatory for the manufacturer to make sure that the process has been compliant with the standard requirement. The standard specifies the requirement on documenting all of those practices which has to be followed on preparation of food. Halal Certification Services in Tehran specifies the requirement on a Muslim personal to be involved on slaughtering process and it is mandatory that one of the Muslim personal should be responsible to slaughter the animal before the sun rises in the early morning with the name of god being uttered (bismillahirrahmanirrahim). Halal in Iran is one of the mandatory requirements to be compliant with if you are a food manufacturer or a cosmetic product manufacturer having a business within the country. Food safety issues in the Muslim countries are one of the critical areas which will be focused. As it is a regulatory requirement ignoring this will lead to costly affair in brand damage of your product of the company.

Halal registration services in Mashhad prohibit some of the activities like usage of alcohol as a byproduct in manufacture process which is considered as Haram. Also the use of pig or pork meat is strictly prohibited along with the blood of slaughtered animal should have been completely drained off from the body. The standard specifies that the animal has to be slaughtered on the neck using the sharp equipment so that the animal is being slaughtered at one shot. The reason behind this is very simple that the animals should not undergo too much pain before it is killed. Muslim religion are the community or only perform to undergo the activities which are Halal which means to say with those are permissible. Halal registration in Iran specifies that once you add up the practices on Halal standards and you are certified you should affix the logo on the product or on the packaging material which is one of the mandatory requirements from the regulatory bodies. This is one of the ways where the customer or a Muslim personal can verify that the food has undergone the halal practices. Halal audit services in Mashhad are always required from a 3rd party or an Inspection Services Institute where they check on the Standard requirement and provide you the industry best practices as a benefit. It always increases the weight age of your certification.

What are the advantages from the standard?

  • Halal Consulting Services in Tehran helps your brand value to be recognized so that customers get attracted towards your food product leading to increase the sales.
  • Halal Consulting in Shiraz helps companies to manufacture good clean and hygiene food product to be delivered across the customers.
  • Halal consultancy services in Mashhad helps companies to advertise as Halal and can apply the halal logo with which Muslim consumers get attracted towards your food product leading to reduced marketing expenses.
  • Halal consultancy in Tehran will help companies to export the manufactured or produced food products to Middle East Muslim countries where there is an increase demand leading to increased profit.

How to get certified for Halal certification?

We are one of the top class consulting companies on certification of food safety certification. We have certified Halal standards across companies in various countries with hundred percent track record of success which makes us the best compared to others in market. We help our customers to adopt these practices within the process so that they can get compliant with the standard requirement. Our consultants have vast experience on implementing the halal standards so that it to be very easy for our Consulting experts to help you to maintain the system which can follow the halal practices. All the necessary documentation required will be helped by our experts so that you are process owners can easily document is same. Waiters Halal certification cost in Iran is always minimal and both for the investment you are funding in order to get your process certified.

Our advice, go for it!!!

You have a requirement to export your food product or a cosmetic product into the Middle East region where there is an increased demand from your customer and the customs or the regulatory bodies is demanding for a Halal certification to be compliant with your process and you are totally confused how to get Halal certification in Iran. You can write to us at [email protected] with all your requirements so that we can understand on how to provide you the best available solution in market. Meanwhile we understand your certification requirements you can do your research by visiting our official website at www.certvalue.com in order to understand about us better  and the services we provide across 30 different countries. We make sure that one of our experts will contact you in the meanwhile to discuss with you on the plan with which we can adopt this International standard and help your business to get certified.


Conduct Gap Analysis to find any Shortcomings from the standard requirements.


Policies, procedures, Work Instructions, Evidences, Records, Training


Conduct frequent internal audit and management review meeting.


Apply corrective actions on the identified root cause or shortcomings






Bottom-line of any business organization is profit and Customers are the only source of Profit. Certvalue will help balancing both customer and compliance requirement at the same time with the help of ISO certification


Enhancement of Performance

ISO certification is a tool to streamline and enhance the process performed internal to the organization. Certvalue indulges in inculcating best industry practices.


Recognition and Brand Value

It is always about the Brand value of your organization in the market and ISO certification from Certvalue can make your organization to be an excel and stand out in the market globally


Tender Eligibility

ISO certification is a basic requirement to bid or participate in any tenders floated by government or private sector. And ISO certification from Certvalue is an assurance win over the tenders.

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Our Client Reviews

Sobiya Rajesh
Sobiya Rajesh
We are happy on Certvalue services. The team guided through applicable SOPs, forms and policies to implement QMS and manage it effectively so as to comply with ISO requirements. It included training part as well. Hence we are satisfied and recommend anyone who seek professional service.
Dhruv Parekh
Dhruv Parekh
Certvalue team was very professional in their approach from the time we engaged them. Special mention to Ms. Jeevika Uchil who consulted and worked extensively with our team.
Anita Okonigene
Anita Okonigene
CyberDome Nigeria Limited. CertValue made the acquisition of our ISO 27100 certification seamless. The person assigned to us Jeevika Uchil was very helpful.
Neeladri Bose
Neeladri Bose
Amazing organisation to work with! Certvalue is definitely the best of the best. Thank you Certvalue Team!
Shehan Athukorala
Shehan Athukorala
Certvalue is a very professional and responsive consultation firm. It did show us the right direction towards the ISO and GMP certifications for the PPE devices we are manufacturing. Hoping to work with them for ISO 13485 /CE and FDA as well. Well recommended for all.
Aditya vakoda
Aditya vakoda
We got good service from certvalue and its team I was satisfied,thank you Certvalue for making my work easy
Mounika Kona
Mounika Kona
Thank you certvalue, we have built information security management system in our organization with the help of certvalue. They were really help to get certified under iso 27001. Thank you.
somraj daroji
somraj daroji
Very professional in consultation, documentation etc right from the first point of meeting with them. . .thank you certvalue for all the support !
Pushkar Patwardhan
Pushkar Patwardhan
Certvalue team was very responsive right from the time we contacted them for the first time. Consultants who worked with us were very professional and demonstrated a lot of patience to get us through required documentation / requirments for the certification. Thank you Certvalue!
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